Monday, October 19, 2009

Open Enrollment

Ok so most people realize that Open Enrollment happens most often in the fall (with a few exceptions). It is the once a year chance to review the benefits you have through your employer (or Medicare). Most people ignore the massive packet they receive from their Benefits Department because it's overwhelming! Who has time to read this stuff.

The problem is that there is lots of info and only one packet to put it in. On one hand it is easier to do this all at one time. On the other hand, who can remember or retain it all?

The answer to the problem is not the obvious one. Yes, you should set aside some time to read your Open Enrollment packet. Most people spend less than 30 minutes and that is probably not enough time to get through all the info.
But the more important and easier way to do it is to pay attention all year round. Make it a game if you need to. Just like there are people who shop at pricey stores and never clip a coupon, there are many who do the work and take the time to find everything they buy on sale or they don't buy it. The same goes for your benefits. Read the emails, newsletters and posters your HR department puts out. Sign up for a health care related newsletter. Get your benefits news on a regular basis in small bites.

Why would anyone pay a higher price for healthcare than they need to? Most people don't realize that it's the lazy factor. They just don't make the time or it isn't high enough on their to do list. Just like with grocery shopping, the consequence is that you pay more at the register. Do your homework all year round and you'll be surprised at the little ways you can lower your healthcare costs.
If you need help doing the homework, let us know. We're here to help!

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